XTOOL IP616 Review. OBDII Diagnostic Scan Tool. New in late 2022.

XTOOL IP616 review obdII diagnostic scan tool

I review the brand new XTOOL IP616 OBDII diagnostic scan tool. This OBD2 scanner will read and reset all diagnostic trouble codes, (DTC) for every module in the vehicle. This XTOOL code reader will also display live data from all modules in the vehicle. However, it does not feature any bidirectional control. This is what I would call an entry level scan tool. It’s budget friendly and can assist with probably 95% of repairs to most vehicles made in 1996 or newer. OBD2 was federally mandated to be the standard for cars sold in the US for model year 1996, or newer. It’s still that way today. A brand new 2023 vehicle sold inside the USA is OBD2. A lot of low-end code readers (creaders) will only display trouble codes for the PCM (powertrain control module) which is the “computer” that typically only runs the engine and transmission in most vehicles. Well, as cars got newer (from 1996) and more sophisticated, the manufacturers added more and more modules. Nowadays there is a separate module for EVERYTHING in the vehicle. It’s common to have 30+ modules in a vehicle from the 2010’s, and up, and probably 20+ modules in vehicles from the 2000’s. My point is…. again, most low-end code readers will only display codes from only the PCM…. from only ONE module in the vehicle. What do you do when there are codes in another module that the cheap code reader will not display? You need a step up to this type of scan tool. As stated above, this scan tool will display DTCs from ALL modules and display ALL live data, from every module in the vehicle. Nothing worse than having a check engine light on and not being able to retrieve the code because the code reader is too basic to pull the code form the Body control module, BCM. (for example) Or not having access to the fuel pump module to see if there is a fault. Even without bidirectional control, this is still a very helpful scan tool.

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