Foxwell NT809 Scan Tool Review. Automotive OBDII Scanner With Bidirectional Control, ABS Brake Bleed

Foxwell NT809 Scan Tool Review. Automotive OBDII Scanner With Bidirectional Control, ABS Brake Bleed

A review of the Foxwell NT809 automotive diagnostic scan tool. This is a mid-level, pro grade scan tool with bidirectional control (also called actuation tests) that will pretty much handle about 99% of things that you could need to repair your own vehicle. It is very well built, it has a nice bright touch screen, with a kickstand on the back, and it’s very intuitive to use. If you can operate a modern day smartphone, then you should be able to easily operate this tool. The included, printed owner’s manual is very well written, easy to read, and includes definitions for all abbreviation that are found on the scan tool. This is handy for users who may not be familiar with all the abbreviations and/or acronyms used in the auto repair world. This Foxwell NT809 scan tool comes with a hard formed canvas case with a handle, the scan tool itself, the OBDII cable, the charger cable with USB-A to USB-C, owner’s manual, and quick start guide.

I did notice the OBDII cable is a tad shorter than I would like, but inexpensive OBDII extension cables can be found all over the internet. In fact, I believe all corded OBDII scan tools could benefit from an extension cable regardless of how long the included cable may be. This way you can easily move about the vehicle while staying connected during auto repairs. Also, I noticed the tool does not come with a power brick (charger). Again, not a big deal because by now, most people probably already have a bunch of these laying around from other devices…. But I still feel it should’ve been included with the tool.

Bottom line, I’ve used many different brands and models of automotive scanners…. This tool seemed very well built and very easy to use. The software was intuitive and functioned smoothly. If you’re in the market for a mid-level pro grade scan tool with bidirectional control, be sure to put this one on your consideration list.

Thanks for watching.

Best Scan Tool, XTOOL A30-M, Cheapest Bidirectional OBDII Diagnostic Scanner

Best Scan Tool. XTOOL A30-M. Cheapest Bidirectional OBDII Diagnostic Scanner

The XTOOL A30M OBDII diagnostic scan tool is probably the best value scan tool available today. This Automotive scanner has the most functionality, including bidirectional control and ABS brake bleed, for the least amount of money on the market. It’s an OBDII dongle that works along with your portable smartphone or tablet. It can be an Android device, or an APPLE product….. Either way this device will work with your existing phone, tablet, iPad, etc. Unlike other OBDII dongles that require annual subscriptions per make/model, or annual subscriptions to enable certain scan tool functions, this scan tool has FULL FUNCTIONALITY for the life of the device. It also includes LIFETIME FREE software updates. Once you buy this scan tool, you will never pay another penny to continue using it. It’s purchase price, compared to it’s functionality makes it the best value on the Diagnostic scan tool market today….. Then, consider that it costs nothing extra to keep the tool running and up to date pretty much makes it a no-brainer.

The software that you download onto your portable device is called “ANYSCAN by XTOOL” and it’s the same software that is found in their high-end top tier scan tools. The user interface that appears on your phone is exactly the same user interface that appears on XTOOl’s $1200+ pro level diagnostic scan tools. Using this A30-M scan tool with my Samsung Android tabled (as shown in this video) gives me exactly the same user experience as using my XTOOL D8 or D9 scan tool.

I have reviewed other OBDII dongle scan tools in the past and not only did they charge a fee for everything, the mobile version that appears on the smartphone looks nothing like what would appear on their dedicated scan tool devices. The software was extremely clunky to use, not very intuitive, and even somewhat confusing. That is NOT the case with this new A30-M….. This thing works smooth and perfect!

Within only a few minutes, you can have this tool up and running on your mobile device, and scanning a vehicle for codes. However, once the software is installed on your device, I do recommend checking for, and installing any available updates to be sure your new tool and software are fully up-to-date and functioning at their best. The amount of time it takes to download and install updates depends on the total number of updates, the speed of your device, the speed of your internet connection, the amount of traffic currently using XTOOL’s web server, etc ,etc.

This A30-M scan tool is not like the other OBDII dongles that came before…. This tool is the real deal! It’s very powerful, it has tons of functionality, it has an affordable purchase price, it has a two year manufacturer’s warranty, it includes free software updates, and it’s very intuitive and easy to use. The dongle itself is fairly small…. It’s like having a pro-level scan tool in your pocket. This thing would be great for road trips across the country. You never know if/when you’re going to break down on long road trips. This tool will always be in my glove box. Hopefully if I have it, then I will never need to use it on my road trips. Lol.

Thanks for watching.