XTOOL IP819 Review. OBDII Diagnostic Scan Tool. New in late 2022

I review the brand new XTOOL IP819 OBD2 diagnostic scan tool. This OBD2 scanner will read and reset all diagnostic trouble codes, (DTC) for every module in the vehicle. This scan tool also has full bidirectional control with actuation tests and special functions such as crank relearn and other system resets. This XTOOL model has basically the same features and functions as the XTOOL D8 but with a 1 inch smaller screen and slightly smaller battery, and of course a lower price.

This tool has a bunch of functionality for the price. If you’re looking for a scan tool with full bidirectional control but you don’t want to break the bank with a tool that has really fancy hardware (like a huge high resolution scree, wirless VCI, etc) then this tool might be for you.

Possible correction: In the video when I am reading the list of specs, when I get the spot where it says “processor: 2 G” I pause for a second and then I say something like “that must be a misprint, the system has 2 gigabytes of ram, and 32 gigabytes of storage”. Well, it is possible that the specs were correct and it actually meant the processor is 2 GHz (gigahertz) which is the speed of the processor. And if that is the case, then it has a newer, faster processor than previous XTOOL models. Sorry for the confusion.

My IP616 video can be found here: https://youtu.be/_uBznng8_R8

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